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My brother, my daughter and I are all Aquarian. His birthday is the Feb 1st and mine is the 4th. My daughter was born Jan 27th. And so my family always celebrates them together, which is fine with me. My mom, who is almost 80, has always insisted on making us a big dinner. I guess this is one of our family traditions. Well Sunday was the big day. When my father was alive and they had the big house, it was really a party. He loved to have the family over and we would eat too much, drink too much, played the music too loud, danced and got totally silly. That was the so much fun (I miss you Daddy). Now my mom lives in a senior apartment which is really small and we still eat too much, drink too much, talk really loud, no dancing but still get silly. Although I always complain, weeks before, saying I no longer need the birthday dinner, today I feel all warm and fuzzy about the whole thing. When I got home last night, I was all worked up and could not sleep. I wanted to watch TV and crochet a little but had no works in progress. I fished out a small ball of grey yarn that has some glitter in it and decided to make a scarf. It looked very festive which fit the mood. It is just a simple dc pattern, but I must have frogged it a dozen times (think it was the booze!!). Today, I declared it to be a day of lounging, laundry and crochet because the simple pleasures are the best and finished it. SO, this is my silver celebration scarf. Nothing fancy, just simple pleasures are the best. Thanks for visiting.

As mentioned in my previous post, these are a couple of items I made for my baby. I love the shells sweater. I think I will make another one with a cloche style hat to match.
I got a request for baby items yesterday. And all of a sudden I got very nostolgic for a baby in the house. It seems like just yesterday I was so excited about becoming a grandmother. Pouring through my baby patterns looking for things to make. I just knew it would be a girl, though only from my own feelings. And to my delight it was the most perfect pink little baby girl I could imagine. I know all grand parents feel this way and why not! It is the best feeling in the world. She is two now and an adorable little girl, but the baby part went to way too fast. Anyway, I pulled some items to show some things I made. Everything else is stored away for the next baby!

This is a poncho I made with TLC Amore. I believe I saw a similar one posted somewhere on the web. But when I made it I did not have the pattern, so I just alternated rows of dc with dc ch dc. I like the way it drapes when you put it on. It was easy to make. I think I will make another one in a v stitch to see how it looks.

Happy Valentines Day, hope you all get some love your way. This is my little valentine with Daddy and Papa on her first real snowstorm. And that's all I need! This is a short post, no new projects to share today. I was told that since I am doing this web thing, I must have too much time on my hands. Yes, my friends just love me!! Have a great day.

I made this scarf using yarn I got from Three Olive on eBay. The colors are so bright and pretty. I did not use a pattern, just stitched as I went along. I added and flower pin but I think I like it just tied around the neck. I have listed it on stitchluva.etsy. But if it doesn't sell I will just have to wear it myself. I just love the way it looks with jeans.
Yeah Me!!! I think I got it. Template intact and pictures posted. Think I will leave it alone for a while. This will be the face of StitchLuva and Yarn. Next I need to figure out buttons. But if I try to figure that out now, I think my head will pop. And then what else will I have to look forward to, right?
Ok, so this blog thing is a lot harder than I thought. It took me a whole night to attach the template. It was not my original choice, but it was the one that I could actually attach. There are some things I want to change, but I don't know how. For now I am glad to have accomplished this much. It is a work in progress.Since the beginning of the new year, I have been crocheting myself silly. Finishing one project and starting another. But I don't fully complete them, the finish work such as weaving the ends in and sewing on buttons, etc. is such a drag for me. Last night when I heard we were getting a blizzard our way, I decided this is a good time to finish up. So, I finished off most of my WIP (works in progress) photographed them and I am about to post them. Then I can call them done. I still have a couple that I need to work on, but come on, let's not get crazy! That's like saying I'm not going to buy yarn until I bust my stash! ( NOT). Now I will attempt to post some pictures, my next hurdle. Now mind you, I have been crocheting for many years, but I try to stick to nice and simple patterns. Hope you enjoy the visit.
Welcome to my blog. Here I hope to share my passion for yarn, crochet, knitting ,art and life in general.