...for all you scrapbookers, and/or cricut users. check this out
Everyday Scrapbooker
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Tuesday, April 06, 2010
No Drama
Saturday, April 03, 2010
Happy Easter
I wish all of you that celebrate Easter a very happy day.
I miss the days when we would go shopping for the perfect Easter outfit for the kids and dress them up. The go to a crowded church for mass then meet the family for brunch. Somehow we stopped doing the brunch and eventually stopped going to church and now we still get together but don't dress up or do any of the other "Easter" things. The kids get baskets and color eggs, but the whole meaning is gone. I know it is our fault that this happened but I still miss the old days.
I miss the days when we would go shopping for the perfect Easter outfit for the kids and dress them up. The go to a crowded church for mass then meet the family for brunch. Somehow we stopped doing the brunch and eventually stopped going to church and now we still get together but don't dress up or do any of the other "Easter" things. The kids get baskets and color eggs, but the whole meaning is gone. I know it is our fault that this happened but I still miss the old days.
Thursday, April 01, 2010
Ta Dah...

Like I said, no great work of art. But at least it's done. I have a busy day today. A friend is coming for dinner and I have nothing prepared and my house is a disaster from the kids playing and making a mess everywhere they go. Have a great Easter, those of you that celebrate. It is going to be a beautiful spring weekend here. I will be cooking dinner for 14 and again nothing prepared. So I need to go do what I should be right now!
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Completed MY Layout!
Took me long enough but I finally did it. Such a small thing but makes me feel like I accomplished something. Now all I need to do is take a picture and post it :) Will do that as soon as I get a moment with some good lighting. Now this is no great work of art, it actually took me more time to whine about it than to complete it. Now I will look for my sketch for my next one.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Monday, March 08, 2010
Well I did it
Please excuse the poor quality of the photo, my scanner is not big enough and my lighting is poor. Although it is not my best work, I do do feel good that I finished it. Just used paper from my stash. I do not have a huge stash. I would have liked to use fabric flowers, but i did not have any so I just cut some out of pattern paper. I am looking forward to my next project.
Sunday, March 07, 2010
Scrap On Update

So I found a sketch, picked the paper and printed the photo. Then I was browsing through one of my albums and realized that duh, I already used this photo in a layout. Just proves how long it's been since I did a layout. So now I have to decide--find another photo to fit the sketch and paper, or find another sketch. I am leaning towards another sketch and photo. So far I like this one, which is more of a scraplift. But the papers I picked may not go with the photo. If I am going to post a layout by Monday, I am going to have to get on the ball. Sure wish I did not have all that laundry to do.
Monday, March 01, 2010
Preliminary Sketch

So far this is what I am thinking of.
It was a lot harder to find a sketch than I thought. I had one in my head that I saw somewhere, but of course, I could not remember where I saw it. I finally settled on this because it is more important that I just do it. Otherwise, like many of my projects, it will remain an I want to do and not a done. I need to get in the habit of doing.
Getting My Scrap On!
As I mentioned before, I have been having a little problem with my mojo. A fellow blogger, the very talented Adrienne was having a similar problem and suggested a scrap-along. I have done crochet-alongs in the past and really enjoyed them. It also helped me to try things I might never have on my on. This is the first time, I am scrapping with others people. I have never been to a crop, although they sound like fun. I am excited to do this, so that is a very good thing. This is how it will work, and anyone who wishes to join us, well the more the merrier.
So I have some pictures printed out and I am going to scrap them.
Every Monday I will pick a sketch that I am going to use.
I am going to make it a GOAL to do ONE layout a week.
I want to try and do this for an entire month, so by months end I SHOULD have four LO's.
I will post the sketch that I am going to work from. Once I get my layout finished I will post it on her and a link to Adrienne blog where she will get them all linked in her post. So she actually has most of the hard work :)
This should be fun and I am really excited.
Here is a list of the ladies that are gonna play. If you want me to add your name to this let me know and she will get it up there:
Mrs. Saditty
I think this will inspire me to post more often and maybe even get my mojo back for my yarn crafts. I have been thinking I want to take a class at Michaels to learn to knit. I have tried it before but never felt comfortable enough to actually make a garment.
So let's see how this goes. I feel gunho now, but by the time the kids go home and I am done with dinner and dishes, well that is just another story. Will look for my sketch now. Will keep you posted :->
So I have some pictures printed out and I am going to scrap them.
Every Monday I will pick a sketch that I am going to use.
I am going to make it a GOAL to do ONE layout a week.
I want to try and do this for an entire month, so by months end I SHOULD have four LO's.
I will post the sketch that I am going to work from. Once I get my layout finished I will post it on her and a link to Adrienne blog where she will get them all linked in her post. So she actually has most of the hard work :)
This should be fun and I am really excited.
Here is a list of the ladies that are gonna play. If you want me to add your name to this let me know and she will get it up there:
Mrs. Saditty
I think this will inspire me to post more often and maybe even get my mojo back for my yarn crafts. I have been thinking I want to take a class at Michaels to learn to knit. I have tried it before but never felt comfortable enough to actually make a garment.
So let's see how this goes. I feel gunho now, but by the time the kids go home and I am done with dinner and dishes, well that is just another story. Will look for my sketch now. Will keep you posted :->
Friday, February 19, 2010
New Day New Attitude
A lot has happened since my last post which seemed a little dark. I felt I was in the need for change. The end of winter is such a hard time for me. I get a bad case of cabin fever. Being locked indoors with a toddler and a 5 yo is rough. I am not a cold weather outdoor person. And packing up 2 kids to freezing my butt off, is not my thing. I give a lot of credit to moms that have 2 or more kids, and are involved in everything and even have time to be creative. Just not me. Not because I'm old, I was this way at 25 when my kids were young. But my dh and i went to New Orleans for Mardi Gras, my first time. It turned out that we were there for superbowl so it was doubly crazy. A fun experience, everyone such try it at least once. My dh and I reconnected. We really needed that. When we got back, we all got this really nasty stomach virus that lasted about 4 days. I do feel better now, mentally and otherwise. I want to work on myself and make time for things I enjoy. I am so looking forward to spring, even though I just heard we are getting another big snow storm this week. :( I am coping with all that I have on my plate and I am grateful that it may be a crazy stressful life but I am so blessed to have people that I love and that love me. I leave you with a few photos of Mardi Gras and the last snow storm.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Working on my Mojo
It is almost February and I have not been able to shake the end of the year wtf blues. I need to make some major personal changes in how I live my life. But in the am when I feel like crap, I allow myself to be overwhelmed by the minor inconveniences that are part of life. I don't want to be ther person I am now. I am so much better than that. I have more to offer than that. The people on the outside see me in a different light. They see me as someone who has it all together and when i try to explain that I am not all that, they dismiss me like I am just looking for a compliment, or that nothing is good enough for me. But that is not it at all. I want to wake up each day with a feeling of purpose. I want to tackle the things that will make me feel whole. I really want to handle all the things that are a part of daily life without feeling overwhelmed. I need to be happy if i just do everything ok and not great. I need to be able to live in the moment and not feel that I am letting life pass me by.
Saturday, January 02, 2010
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