I spent thanksgiving at my sister's. That's her in the
left hand corner. It was nice. No fights and that is a big deal in our family.
I have actually started to craft a little. I have been playing with paper. I find that when I do this I don't think or worry. Unlike crochet which lets me think too much. I made 2 mini albums to put in my dd and her
dh's stocking. And have also started to make a scrapbook for my
dh of his family tree. I crocheted a scarf to give one of the
gymboree teachers
http://www.knittingdaily.com/freepatterns/crochet/Float_away222-1.html and am giving the other teacher one from my stash of

My mil is in hospice but hanging in there.
My son who is 23 went in for an annual checkup and they found his
ekg was abnormal, so now he is going in for a stress test. I am quite
stressed about that.
My grand daughter is almost 4 (in April) she has become a hand full. Now that it is cold out she only wants to stay in side and play pretend with me. She puts on costumes and wants me to do voices for all the characters. By the end of the day I am exhausted. This is my son trying to give me a break so I can cook dinner. She really needs to go to school now. We will probably enroll her in a pre-school in January.
I am doing most of my shopping on line because I cannot go shopping with her any more. On the weekends I have to try to do my cleaning, laundry, food shopping etc. You guys know the drill. All you stay at home moms, you know how hard this job is. At least she goes home at night with her parents. But This is my dd busy season and so she is dropped of sometimes before 7 am and picked up after 7 pm. It is a long day. If I could only get her to nap!
Well take care all. Don't let the holiday's stress you out too much. I will probably do a couple of posts before Christmas.