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Back from Maui. Will have pics soon. I hope they can do justice to the island. Just beautiful. I am in awe!
I am on vacation in Maui (my 25th wedding anniversary gift) and will be back in a week. I hope to have some nice pictures when I return. I have a couple of fo's but no time to photograph or post them. Have a great week all.
Hard to believe the summer is over. My tomatoes are rotting on the vines from lack of sun and way too much water. My pool water is turning green from all the rain. My zuccini and cucumbers died before I even got to pick them from first to much rain, then Africa hot sun, then more buckets of rain. It has been a strange summer. We had a few weeks of perfect weather. Did a little bbq'n. But now its over and I feel cheated.
I do still have my vacation in Maui to look forward to. My dh and I are giving ourselves this trip as a gift for our 25th wedding anniversary. Now I'm glad that we planned it for the end of the summer and not for the begining. I will have lots of pictures when I return but for now I will leave you this link.