I have not been keeping up with my blog in the new year. I almost considered closing up shop but decided to try to keep it going. My house is still not back to normal. I got the holiday stuff put away, but now we are working on the kitchen. Nothing major, just cosmetic things like paint, curtains and reorganizing but right now my kitchen totally disorganized and that makes me feel un- put together. One of my goals for the new year is to get my house and myself and my finances in order. I have just too much stuff from a lifetime of too much shopping. I realize now that stuff creates work and I want to simplify everything. But I have a lot of work to do before I can get to that point. I hate clutter and I have a hard time throwing things out. I am not a pack rat but some things are really nice and so I try to give them away or donate. I can't wait until I see the light at the end of the tunnel. Right now it seems no where in sight.
I have picked up the hook again. . I have stayed away from the yarn shops because I don't want to buy until I make a dent in my stash. I have some really nice yarns that I fell in love with at the store and then just never made anything with them. I have been making hats and scarves to give as gifts. I will post pictures soon.