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I mentioned it in my previous post, but did not show the pictures. It's not much but I like it, if I could just use it. That's my dh smurking in the background. He hates the pool because he cleans it.

I just went for a manicure and pedicure that cost me $80 with tip (it was a gift) and look what I did. I started working in my garden and front yard and totally ruined it. This is what I have been doing lately. Not much hooking. My wips have made little progress. My zuccini, tomatoes, and cucumbers are doing great, however. My dh is finally getting around to opening the pool. He travels a lot and when he is home for the weekend, he is so jetlagged that he just wants to relax. This weekend, I put my foot down and said if you can't do it, hire someone. It's not that I want to be a bitch, but (ok, I like to be a bitch) I am home all week with my granddaughter and it would really be nice if we could use the pool. I could get her nice and tired and she could take a nice long nap. Naps are very important. That's when I clean up, cook, do some laundry, take a shower, etc. As you can see, the pool is open, but not yet ready for swimming. I am going to guilt my son into cleaning it this week, and maybe it will be ready for the 4th :)
Father's Day is both a happy and sad holiday. My dad is gone 4 yrs now and I miss him. His love of life, the way he spoiled my kids. He was always there for me no matter what. On the many occasions, when I did stupid things like lock my keys in my car, he would come to my rescue no matter what he was doing or where he was. To when I wanted a house I could not afford he helped with the down payment. I miss his big beautiful smile and the way he was such a mush and was not ashamed to cry when he got emotional. He taught me the meaning of unconditional love. And also that when you have children, nothing else is more important. He loved my children more than life and made them always feel so special. I am a better person because of him. I love you Daddy, and I still miss you every day.